Friday 19 December 2014

Boko Haram Kills 32, Abducts Scores from Borno Village

Armed men suspected to be members of the deadly Boko Haram group have killed 32 people and abducted 185 others in Gumsuri village, Borno State, a security source and witnesses told Xinhua on Thursday.

Among those abducted were married women, girls and boys, a security source,
who declined to be named, told Xinhua over the phone.

The village head and leader of the youth vigilante, also known as the civilian Joint Task Force (JTF), were also killed by the attackers who invaded the village on Sunday.

Several civilian JTF members were injured, while attempting to repel the invasion, the source said.

According to a CNN report, gunmen in pickup trucks attacked the village of Gumsuri, just north of Chibok, a local government area in Borno on Sunday.
“They gathered women and children and took them away in trucks after burning most of the village with petrol bombs,” a local government official said on the condition of anonymity.

News of the attack took four days to emerge because of lack of communication, with telecoms towers in the region having been disabled in previous attacks.
Local officials learned of the attack from residents who fled to Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State, where the officials had moved a year ago to escape Boko Haram attacks.

The militants stormed the village from two directions, overwhelming local vigilantes who had repelled the Boko Haram over the course of the year, said Gumsuri resident Umar Ari, who had trekked for four days to Maiduguri.

“They destroyed almost half of the village and took away 185 women, girls and boys,” Ari said.

Another resident, Modu Kalli, said that the militants fired with heavy machine guns on the village and poured canisters of gasoline on houses before setting them on fire.

“We lost everything in the attack. I escaped with nothing, save the clothes I have on me,” Kalli said.

Hundreds of residents of Gumsuri continue to arrive in Maiduguri, which has been struggling to accommodate thousands of residents fleeing towns and villages overrun by the militant group.

Boko Haram, which has proved to be a major security threat in Nigeria since 2009, seeks to enshrine the Islamic Sharia law in the constitution of Africa's most populous country.

The radical Islamist terror group has killed more than 3,000 people this year, according to the Nigerian government.

The group has targeted mainstream Islam, saying that it does not represent the interests of Nigeria's 80 million Muslims and that it perverts Islam.

In another incident, an estimated 116 Boko Haram members, who attacked Amchide, a border town in Cameroun, have been killed, the Camerounian army said on Thursday.

Residents told the BBC that the gunmen attacked Amchide on Wednesday, some arriving in two vehicles and many others on foot. They raided the market area, setting fire to shops and more than 50 houses.

A statement from the army added: “A column made up of a military truck and four pick-ups from the BIR (elite Rapid Intervention Battalion) were caught in an ambush that began with an explosion of a roadside bomb.”

“At the same time…, the Amchide military base was attacked by hundreds of fighters from the sect, but the response from our defence forces was instant and appropriate,” a statement quoted by AFP said.

“There are 116 of the assailants dead on Camerounian territory and undetermined casualties on the Nigerian territory from our artillery fire,” the statement said. “There is one dead on the Camerounian side and one officer missing.”

According to the army, the Boko Haram fighters destroyed a pick-up and a troop truck, as well as managing to capture another military truck.

Boko Haram has grown in power in the area, where Cameroun and Nigeria are linked by a bridge. Militants have carried out repeated massacres of civilians and attacks on villages there, but are now increasingly active against military targets.

Source: thisDay

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