Thursday 19 March 2015

Tunisian Parliament Calls Day of Solidarity After Deadly Attack

Tunisia's parliament called for a day of solidarity after gunmen opened fire at one of the capital's top tourism sites, killing 19 people and wounding more than 40 others.

"The target of the attack was the parliament and the national museum," said Parliament President Mohamed Enaceur during a special session late Wednesday. "These are symbols and this attack was a message to tell us that terrorism today has changed in that it has a presence in the city and is eyeing our national symbols."

Prime Minister Habib Essid identified the shooters as Yassine Laabidi and Hatem Khachnaoui. He said they were wearing military-style uniforms when they "hunted and chased down" tourists at the National Bardo Museum in Tunis before taking a small group captive.

Police killed two attackers in an operation to free the hostages, and authorities said they were searching for up to three potential accomplices.

Japanese officials said Thursday the dead included three people from Japan. Essid said two Tunisians were among the victims, along with people from Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain.

Tunisian television showed images of older tourists and children fleeing the scene under the cover of armed security forces. A spokesman for the Interior Ministry said at least 100 people were inside the museum at the time of the attack.

In a television address to the nation Wednesday evening, President Beji Caid Essebsi said, "I want the people of Tunisia to understand firstly and lastly that we are in a war with terror, and these savage minority groups will not frighten us.''

The United Nations Security Council strongly condemned the shootings.

"The members of the Security Council stressed that no terrorist attack can reverse the path of Tunisia towards democracy and all efforts directed towards economic recovery and development," read a statement from the council.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was among officials around the world who also condemned the attack and offered support for Tunisia.

"We commend Tunisian authorities’ rapid response to today’s wanton violence and their efforts to resolve the hostage situation and restore calm," Kerry said in an emailed statement.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls called the attack an act of terrorism.

"This attack cruelly illustrates the threat that we are all confronted with in Europe, in the Mediterranean, around the world. France, Tunisia and Europe will act together to fight terrorism," Valls said. (VOA)

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