Thursday 25 December 2014

Kwara first lady distributes Christmas packages to 500 widows

 Mrs Omolewa Ahmed, wife of Kwara Governor on Wednesday enjoined widows to use the Christmas period to pray for peace and unity of the country and success of the State Government.

Ahmed made the call in her office at the Government House when she distributed food to 500 widows in Ilorin. She said the gesture was to reach out at Christmas to the widows she described as a vulnerable group in the society.

Ahmed explained that the gesture was aimed at reducing their suffering. She said the present government would continue to accord them the necessary attention to improve their living standard. Mrs Elizabeth Titcom, on behalf the beneficiaries, commended the first lady for the gesture, adding that the items would reduce their suffering. NAN reports that the widows received rice, groundnut oil, spaghetti, semovita, chickens, textiles and money.


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