Thursday 11 December 2014

Jay Z Met With New York’s Governor About Changing The Criminal Justice System

With great power comes great responsibility. Jay Z knows that, and he owns it. Which is why he didn’t just make sure that his Nets and Lebron James had “I Can’t Breathe” shirts on Monday night, he went a step further and set up a meeting with New York’s governor to make sure things are really going to change.
On Wednesday afternoon, Jigga took a meeting with Governor Andrew Cuomo to discuss reforms to the state’s criminal justice system in the wake of the Eric Garner verdict. They also talked about the possible appointment of a special prosecutor to look into the case, which hassparked protests from coast-to-coast, and even overseas, over the past two weeks.

Cuomo’s director of communication, Melissa DeRosa, released a statement about the sit-down that reiterated Cuomo’s request for a “comprehensive” review of the current criminal justice system, listing the different groups he’s met with to discuss those potential changes.

“Over the last week, he has personally spoken with members of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus, PBA President Pat Lynch, community activists including Russell Simmons and Shawn ‘Jay Z’ Carter, and district attorneys from across the state and looks forward to continuing this dialogue with additional stakeholders in the coming days and weeks,” she said.

The meeting came on the same day that hip-hop activist and mogul Russell Simmons was joined by Common and Immortal Technique in a rally outside New York’s City Hall, pressing for changes to the criminal justice system.

“That he would issue an executive order and create a special prosecutor that will be outside the police force to prosecute these kind of cases going forward,” Simmons said of Cuomo, according to NY1. “I know that going backwards, we’re going to need the attorney general to indict, to come back with indictments, at least in these two most recent cases, and certainly Eric Garner’s case, we expect Attorney General Holder to come with an indictment.”

Source: MTV

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