Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Ten-month-old Conjoined Baby Girls Survive World-first Operation to Separate Them

Knatalye Hope and Adeline Faith Mata, aged 10 months, were born last year connected by the chest and abdomen. The twins shared several major organs including lungs, liver, intestines, colon, pelvis and lining of the heart.

They underwent a complex 26-hour operation to separate them at the Texas Children's Hospital earlier this month.

The operation saw a team of 12 surgeons, six anesthesiologists and eight surgical nurses carry out the surgery. The twins are now recovering in the intensive care unit of the hospital and may have to undergo further procedures.

Mother Elysse says she can't thank the surgeons enough for giving her daughters a chance to lead separate lives.

Knatalye Hope and Adeline Faith Mata were born in Texas last April and were welcomed by parents Elysse and John Eric.

The couple, from Lubbock, were told that their twin girls would be conjoined and when they were born it was found their shared the same chest wall, lungs, pericardial sac (the lining of the heart), diaphragm, liver, intestines, colon and pelvis.
Source: Dailymail

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