Saturday, 10 January 2015

Buhari in Abia, Promises to Save Nigeria from Falling Oil Prices

The presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), General Muhammadu Buhari on Friday promised that he would steer Nigeria out of the attendant economic hardship by diversifying the economy into agriculture and minning if electded as president on February 14, 2015.

He made the pledge at a presidential campaign rally at Etche Primary School Aba, the commercial city of Abia State, saying that Nigeria had great potentials in agriculture and solid mineral deposits which if well harnessed, would enable the country absorb any shock occasioned by dwindling oil revenue.

According to him, by paying more attention to the non-oil sector of the economy, his administration would not only put the economy on a firmer ground, but also tackle the lingering problem of unemployment

“The main concern of the APC is to make sure that there are no idle capable able-bodied person roaming the streets and becoming touts instead of becoming a productive citizen. We want to encourage the financial institutions to empower the small scale industrialists by giving soft credits," he said.

The former military head of state also said that he would create jobs in the federal ministries, assuring that "in spite of falling crude oil prices, the APC will look and employ qualified, competent, patriotic Nigerians to manage our ministries so that competent and qualified Nigerians will get jobs and opportunity to perform.”

Source: Thisdaylive

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